Epoch Business Analysis
“It’s hard to know exactly where to focus your attention...until you sit down and answer a few searching questions”
Most owner-operators are forever fire-fighting! Leaping from one sudden challenge to the next, just to keep things ticking over. But it’s a short-term tactic that will bring things to a head before long...
Unless you address the deeper issues that trigger specific problems.
Introducing Epoch Business Analysis
Epoch is designed to highlight the main challenges in your business life. You probably wear lots of different hats, from Receptionist to Sales Rep, from Bookkeeper to Credit Controller...so Epoch looks at how well you’re wearing each hat in turn, then creates a flash report that exposes strengths and weaknesses.
Answer 100 questions to see where your business is heading
You can carry out your own Epoch Business Analysis here. Just follow the instructions and click ‘Submit’...then call (029) 2064 1098 if you want to talk through the results.