How To Pass Assets To Your Children

During lockdown, families have focused on getting their financial affairs in order as they put plans in place to pass down wealth to their children and grandchildren.

Many people will have had an estate planning strategy in place for some time, but the unprecedented effects of the Covid-19 pandemic mean priorities and financial situations have changed for many families.

Financial advisers report that parents and grandparents are increasingly looking at ways of helping their children and grandchildren.

Younger generations, who stand to be hit hardest by the crisis, may need to call on the Bank of Mum and Dad for financial support — although parents will need to evaluate how any cash calls could impact their own retirement plans in the wake of market movements.

Are you revisiting your plans due to fear of future tax rises that the UK government could bring in to cover the cost of the pandemic measures?

Give our expert Tony Arcopinto a call to see how he can assist you. Call now on 029 2064 1098 or email